Clear Light
by Winfield Shaw Clark
Clear Light (2.90 MB)
Clear Light - Acapella (1.54 MB)
Give me clear vision; Oh, let my heart see;
Cut through confusion and set my mind free.
Be my meditation by day and by night,
O, luminous clarity, self-existing Clear Light.
You are my armor, my sword for the fight.
You are my dignity and my delight.
Loving and kind and gentle; and wrathful and wild.
Both Father and Mother, and I am your child.
I don’t seek riches, nor worldly acclaim:
You are my birthright, beyond praise and blame.
Bright-shining source of wisdom, compassion and bliss,
In living, in dying, nothing higher than this.
From a 7th century Celtic poem translated 1905 by Mary E. Bryne set as hymn “Be Thou My Vision” adapted and reworded by Winfield Clark 2002. Traditional Irish ballad tune, “Slane” harmonized by Winfield Clark
Copyright © Winfield Clark 2002
Clear Light (21.69 KB)