Words and music by Winfield Shaw Clark
Lisa Wolff, soprano, George Loring, piano in concert at St. Anselm College, November 20, 1994
October (3.32 MB)
On a gold October day,
All the hills on fire –
Bright vermillion, crimson, ruby, amber;
Robin’s egg blue sky,
All the trees are bursting out,
A million explosions,
Burnished gold October day,
Frost is on the breeze.
Indian summer sunlight flows like honey
Through the glowing leaves.
Persian carpets, tapestries –
Words like these can’t do justice.
If we had such bright magic
Around us every day,
Would it fade to gray?
Ordinary magic permeates the world this way,
And yet we seldom notice.
But these days of gold
Have us in their hold,
Caught in October’s sway.
On a gold October day
Come, but don’t be long.
One good wind will end October’s song.
Copyright © Winfield Clark 1992-2013
October - Sheet Music (62.58 KB)